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In time for AIM’s anniversary month, here’s an inspiring video presentation from “Outreach 2020: LGBTQ Catholic Ministry Gathering,” an event at Fordham University, postponed until next year.

The short messages from the speakers testify to their discernment, understanding, and history as they convey their support for LGBTQ Catholics. Speakers include religious superiors, bishops, scholars, pastors, and pastoral workers.

In the introduction, Fr. James Martin, S.J., shares his powerful message to us: “Never forget that God created you, the Holy Spirit is with you, and that Jesus is on your side. I love that line from Psalm 139 which says, ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made,’ and you are – wonderfully made by God. And you are just as much a part of the Church as the Pope, your local bishop, your pastor, me, or anybody else, for that matter.”

We hope Fr. Martin’s – and the speakers’ – words help you to grow in your love of Jesus and your Catholic faith!